Is this the missing piece to your instructional practice?

The pandemic has accelerated an overdue transformation in education. Using the Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) Framework, you can use movement as a Self-Regulation strategy to integrate social and emotional learning within Health and Physical Education.


This is a learned skill with which you can recognize how you are feeling physically and emotionally (Self-Awareness) and then effectively and efficiently manage those feelings (Self-Management). Focus on students’ well-being becomes critical as emotions are the gatekeepers of cognition, motivation, and attention.

How to SEL your HPE Program: By Glenn Young

Social Emotional Learning Resources:

Learn more about how to incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into your Health and Physical Education class using Heart Zones technology.

Learn how to meet your students where they are…

  • Are they ready to learn?

  • Are they able to self-regulate?

  • Are you ready to teach these life skills?

SEL is as important as book learning. Social and Emotional Learning aids in improving student behavior and enhancing learning by understanding a basic principle: emotions drive behavior.

This 11-page booklet is developed specifically for the Health and Physical Educator (HPE) to become a better teacher through the SEL lens. Using the power of wearable devices like heart rate sensors combined with the Heart Zones Method, HPE instructors can weave Social Emotional Learning into their programs effectively.